Meet The Animals

30+ Exotic, Rare, and Super Cute Animals

We’ve spent over two years acquiring some of the most adorable animals on the planet. You’ll have the opportunity to get up close, feed, and hug baby Zebras, Zorse, Zedonk, Scottish highland Cows, Baby Doll Sheep, Donkeys, Pygmy Goats, and many others.  

Hope - Guardian Dog

Hope is our hero, he’s a Great Pyrenees dog that was born at a ranch in Montana, and has been in training for the last 4 months. Hope is here to protect all the animals at Aspen Hope Ranch from local predators like Coyotes, and Mountain Lions. He’s a social butterfly and will be the first to greet you when you arrive at the ranch, you will usually find him wandering the property or with the sheep .

Leia - Guardian Dog

Leia is our guardian angel girl. Just like Hope, she’s here to protect the animals from predators. They work together feeding off of each others protective energy in order to get the job done. In general, guardian dogs need support, as if there are several predators for which they can’t do the job alone. While hope is more outgoing, Leia has a special quiet confidence, but once you earn her trust she is equally as loyal and loving.



Warrior - Horse

Warrior is a big boy, but is known to us as the gentle giant. Prior to Aspen Hope Ranch he was a working horse that enjoyed trail riding. He loves to eat snacks, and enjoys being out in the sunshine (he doesn’t love the cold).

Beau - Horse

Biscuit is a gorgeous Palomino that’s won several awards. He came from another ranch in Texas and was known for always wanting attention, he’s a needy boy. Biscuit really enjoys being brushed, and taking children for a ride.

Zoe - Golden Zorse

Zoe is one of the rarest animals in the world, it’s said there are only 100 Zorses in the world with the golden color being the rarest of them all. Zoe loves being around people and if she’s being pet then she’s happy, she doesn’t like to be alone and loves spending time with other animals especially horses and dogs.

Pepper - Horse

Pepper is probably the quietest of the donkeys on our ranch, but is really special to get to know. He loves a good neck scratch and is always close on Salts heels ready to play. He loves when you scratch his forehead.

Leo - Donkey

Leo is one of four baby mini donkeys that live on Aspen Hope Ranch. He has a sweet and chill personality and did always hanging around his donkey pal Larry, and the dogs. Watching him chase around our guardian dogs in play is a sight you don’t want to miss! He has a shy side, but once you approach and gain his trust he is ready to give and receive all the love and attention.  

Larry - Donkey

Larry is a complete character and always keeps everyone laughing. When walking through his pasture, you can be guaranteed to turn around and see Larry following you for a brush with the curry comb and some forehead scratches. He loves being groomed so much that when you stop he will stomp his tiny hoof playfully, demanding more. He enjoys spending his time playing, chasing the dogs and his pal Leo around, and frolicking in his pasture leaving you laughing with his goofy, tiny run. 

Zuma - Baby Doll Sheep

Zuma is one of 5 out of our herd of sheep at Aspen Hope Ranch. He has the most distinct and hilarious littke “baaaa” you’ve ever heard and is always sure to be heard using it to ask for some sweet feed. Zuma finds comfort in following his older and bigger companions in the herd, and always looks to his bigger mentors before letting humans approach. Sheep are very dynamic and special creatures, and Zuma is a complete gem. 

Rosie - Babydoll Sheep

Rosie is our bearded lady. In our herd of 5, she is the only female and the only sheep with a beard. She is definitely one of the bosses of the herd and is always one of the first to come say hi, and get a snack. Her coat is especially stunning as she sports her rich black coloring, and she is so soft! When she trusts someone, she thoroughly enjoys getting her beard scratched between nibbles of food!

Oreo - Babydoll Sheep

Oreo is our herd leader. He is our most confident sheep, and he is a beautiful and sturdy harlequin. Like the others, he loves his sweet feed and will always be edging toward people with a curious soul. Sheep are so special because you must be patient and gentle in order to gain their trust, so when they do let you give them some pets (and treats) it feels earned and extra special. 

Spot - Babydoll Sheep

Spot is Patchees twin big brother. Unlike Patch, he is very bold and easily hangs with the older sheep. Babydoll sheep are very shy creatures, as their natural instinct is that of prey, but once you practice gentling your demeanor, and opening your hands with feed and your heart with love, they are eager to receive both.

Cheese - Mangalitsa Pig

Cheese is one of our two Mangalitsa pigs. They are a special, long and curly haired breed of pigs from Hungry, and are known for their extra sweet meat. But at Aspen Hope Ranch they are known for providing lots of humor and entertainment as they scavenge 24/7 for food, living up to their name. Pigs. Cheese is the darker colored of our two pigs and is like a dog in the way that she will roll over on her belly for scratches and then close her eyes for a nap.

Daisy - Mangalitsa Pig

Daisy is our other Mangalitsa pig and is the lighter colored of the two. She is a bit daintier, but don’t let that fool you, she has just as much of an appetite as her companion pig Cheese. Her personality is literally food, and she’s always offering out little oinks, reminding anyone who will listen to toss her some food. Pigs are unique from other farm animals in the way that their digestive systems are quite impressive and they can digest almost anything (even McDonald’s)! 

Button - Scottish Highland Cow

Button is our male Mini Scottish Highlander cow, and is known for his big button eyes. He’s one of the most popular animals on the ranch because he loves to cuddle and spend time with our guests. He has a long curly tongue that feels rough and tickly, kind of like a cats’! He is often seen sticking his tongue up his nose and playing around with his cow companion Bella. Button is goofy, and has a sweet and special nature which provides calm and comfort for all around him.

Bella - Scottish Highland Cow

Bella was born on the same day as her pal Button, and they share the same dad. They’ve spent everyday together since birth and offer each other the sweetest companionship. Bella loves a good snuggle and like her half brother, enjoys having her beautiful, furry coat brushed, especially under the neck. Bella is definitely the leader of the two Highlanders and has a playful spirit. She also is maternal to our guardian dogs, and loves licking and cleaning their ears. 

Domino - Zebra

Domino is one of our two Grant Zabras that we’ve gotten to watch grow up before our eyes, as we’ve grown with him. Zebras are a very unique species and are described as “cats” in the comparison that horses are like “dogs”. Zebras are independent and cautious by nature, so they require a lot of patience and a calm energy when interacting with them. Because of this, it is extremely rewarding to be in their presence and have the privilege of knowing them. Dominic is a very curious boy and always wanting to check out what everyone’s up to on the ranch and loves his hips scratched.

Dominique - Zebra

Dominique is our petite and feminine girl with the most striking markings. She is named after our dear friend and breeder, who has owned her mother and grandmother for years and years. She is a little more shy than Dominic, but when her trust is earned, she completely melts when you scratch her neck. Any  interaction with this sweet girl will leave you speechless by her beauty and her calm presence.

Oreo - Babydoll Sheep

Oreo is our herd leader. He is our most confident sheep, and he is a beautiful and sturdy harlequin. Like the others, he loves his sweet feed and will always be edging toward people with a curious soul. Sheep are so special because you must be patient and gentle in order to gain their trust, so when they do let you give them some pets (and treats) it feels earned and extra special. 

Hello I'm Cow

Biscut - Horse

Biscuit is a gorgeous, flashy Palomino gelding that’s won several awards in the reining and western pleasure decision. He has a quirky yet soft demeanor, and always comes ready to the fence eager to give and receive love. Biscuit is quite the gem and has a special curiosity and fondness for wanting to sniff and greet all our ranch dogs when passing by on patrol.

Sprout - Bunnies

Sprout is our beautiful fluffy tri colored bunny rabbit. She is extremely soft and extremely loved. She enjoys munching on Timothy hay and burrowing with her fellow bunny ladies.

Steve - Goats

Steve is our very friendly little Pygmy goat who is 2 months old. He is a beautiful light caramel color and is a social butterfly. He is always the first to come up and say hi and loves being held and cuddled.

Ginger - Bunnies

Ginger is our fawn-colored bunny. She is the most curious and confident of the rest of our bunnies and will even jump into your lap!

George - Goats

George is also a 2 month old Pygmy goat and is extremely curious. Sometimes we call him curious George because of this. He’s always wanting to see and get into what anyone’s doing. George is also very sweet and gentle when little kids want to hold him.

Gary - Goats

Gary Is our smallest little Pygmy goat, who is also 2 months old. He is always last in his little heard of goats, watching what they do first before he joins in. He is extremely full of personality. Gary is constantly jumping and running around and does has the cutest little hops.

Clover - Bunnies

Clover is our tri-colored bunny. She is very fast and loves her hopping around and eating her bunny grain. Her coat is not only beautiful but velvety as well.

Bob - Goats

Bob is also a 2 month old Pygmy goat, who is small and adorable. He can always be found climbing and hopping on anything and everything. He loves being held and playing in the pasture with his pals.

Blossom - Bunnies

Blossom is our grey fluffy bunny. She loves having her fur brushed out with a comb and getting scratched on her ears. She is a little she but once she knows she’s safe, she will totally relax in your lap and offer up some snuggles.

Goldie - Silkie Chicken

Goldie is our littlest silkie who is named after her beautiful golden feathers. She is little but very quick, and is so tiny and sweet. She tends to be the biggest hit to the little kids as she is so small and therefore relatable to the tiny humans.

Lala - Silkie Chicken

Lala is our gorgeous silkie chicken. Despite her black skin, Lala’s feathers are pure white. She is very soft, stunning and vocal! She enjoys morning coffee hangs in the barn-house with the team, and loves being cozily zipped into your sweater as you go about your day.

Lucy - Cochin Chicken

Lucy is our other Cochin and is the biggest of all of our hens. She has grey and white feathers and a cute little red marking above her beak, so we thought she deserved to be named after the iconic red head, Lucille ball. We love Lucy!

Fluffy - Silkie Chicken

Fluffy is our beautiful grey silkie. She is extremely soft and in our flock she is our biggest silkie. She is very friendly and likes a good cuddle.

Slush - Cochin Chicken

Slush is our Cochin chicken. She soon will be a laying hen, and has very beautiful fall looking colored feathers. She loves eating chicken feed and pecking around with her ladies.

Pepper - Donkey

Like our other donkeys, he completely loves attention. Sometimes he even lives up to his name and is a little salty, but only when you stop petting him. He is our smallest donkey on the ranch, and is extremely fond of grain and his buddy pepper. He also lets out the cutest donkey bray you’ve ever heard.